Be Encouraged

My Belove think it not strange when the enemy has launched a major attack with your name of it. For we are in the mist of War and you are a threat to him and his works to destroy the Kingdom of the most High God. I heard the spirit of the Lord say "Gird Up" or prepare yourself for what is to come. I have hidden you to teach you my ways, to instill my spirit and my anoint you, for manifestations of my power will be revealed in this hour, say God.

For He knows all we have gone through and though it may seems like things are not going your way, He is working it out for your good. The atmosphere is saturated with the Blessings that belongs to the Saints, pull down strongholds, bind up the enemy, arm yourself with the whole armor of God, take your stand on the front line and speak the word. For the hour is up on us where we as the body of Christ must fight the darkness of evil, "for the Kingdom suffers violence and violence taketh by force".

I speak Life over each of you, strength to carry the truth and the will of God. I pray the anointing of Isaiah over you, that your gifts are sharp as Iron sharpens Iron binding those things that cause hindrance in our walk and those things that we are to birth in this hour. For the time is NOW that We as the body come together with one accord.


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